Saturday, August 6, 2011

End of the world part 2.5.2 ELENIN continued

As I was saying before I was "Played off the stage", Deep Impact was the perfect example of art imitating life. The Youtube clip below shows what I am talking about.

Although I don't necessarily agree with their translation of the NIN of ELENIN, I believe it stands for NINth month, when this thing is first suppose to be within our orbit.

Which leads me into our next theory. This is not a comet at all but something bigger, heavier, more dense. Like say, a brown dwarf star.

WTF is a Brown Dwarf Star?

Good question, I'll give a quick lesson about stars.

  • Most stars, including the sun, are "main sequence stars," fueled by nuclear fusion converting hydrogen into helium. For these stars, the hotter they are, the brighter. These stars are in the most stable part of their existence; this stage generally lasts for about 5 billion years.
  • As stars begin to die, they become giants and supergiants (above the main sequence). These stars have depleted their hydrogen supply and are very old. The core contracts as the outer layers expand. These stars will eventually explode (becoming a planetary nebula or supernova, depending on their mass) and then become white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes (again depending on their mass).
  • Smaller stars (like our Sun) eventually become faint white dwarfs (hot, white, dim stars) that are below the main sequence. These hot, shrinking stars have depleted their nuclear fuels and will eventually become cold, dark, black dwarfs. A Brown Dwarf is cooling towards black but is almost as dark, giving off very little light.
 So now you know what a brown dwarf star is, the theory is that this thing that is approaching is a brown dwarf star, and it has an elliptical orbit that brings it through here every few thousand years. The ancient civilizations and religions have actually named it in the past. The Sumerians called it Nibiru, and it was suppose to be the place where the gods that made us came from. In the Bible it's called "wormwood" and is to herald and the second coming of Christ, and partially cause the end of life on earth. Sci-Fi writers have called it Planet-X. Many many other references to a deathstar, or harbinger, or appolyon, or destroyer can be found in ancient texts and art. Some people believe that this object comes bee bopping through every 5,000 years or so, causing destruction on a global scale. Every major religion and most of the older civilizations have flood myths. By most estimates Noah was around 2,900 BC as was the Sumerian flood, and the Babylonian cataclysm. If this thing is a Brown Dwarf star that comes by periodically, then it would cause Polar Shifting on an abrupt and massive scale, possibly even polar reversals. This in turn would cause ice-caps to melt and sea levels to rise as well as tsunamis and river engorgement that could easily flood all inhabited lands of the day.

So where is the evidence? All your doing is talking about old dusty people that are long dead.

I was getting to that, hold your water. Let me ask you a question. If this was a comet, could it affect us when it's outside the orbit of Jupiter? Probably not, right. If this is something massive like a brown dwarf star or even a rouge planet then it should exert a gravitational pull close to if not as strong as the sun maybe even more. Is that a fair assumption?

What do February 27th 2010, September 4th 2010, and March 11th 2011 all have in common?
Two things, Feb was the earthquake in Chile, Sept was the earthquake in Christchurch, and of course March 11th 2011 was the big one in Japan. These were also the dates, each time ELENIN Earth and the sun came into alignment.
February 27th 2010 ELE was 6.04 AU's away and moving from the sun out, the alignment was Sun, Earth, Elenin all in a line. Then on September 4th 2010 ELE was 6.258 AU's from earth with an alignment order of ELE,Sun,Mercury,Earth. Then in March of this year we were lined up Sun, Earth, ELE with the "comet" being 2.1 AU's away.

Is this a coincidence? If it happened once, sure maybe, if you believe in coincidences. Twice pretty doubtful because we are beginning to see a pattern. Three times in less then two years and EVERY time we are in alignment? HELL NO!!!

Now here comes the scary part, the next alignment is going to be Mercury, Sun, ELE, Earth. That's right, inside our orbit of the sun. And get this, ELE will only be 0.39 AU's away from us. So ELE will be closer to us then the sun by two thirds the distance, and we will have the gravity wells of ELE, the Sun, and Mercury all pulling our giant magnetic, iron cored, planet in the same direction.

Let me guess, this is all going to happen on December 21st 2012 just like the Mayan calendar predicted and the world is going to come to an end.

No smartass! This is going to happen between the 26th and 27th of September 2011.


That's right, about a month and a half from this posting. Then on October 17th this thing will be at its closest to our planet, .24 AU's away, less than 1/4 the distance we are from the sun, and this is just about the time it crosses our orbit. Then on Nov 5th we get to move through what ever this thing is dragging behind itself. Then last but not least on Nov 23rd we have our final alignment, we will be between the sun and ELE just like the Chile and Japan quakes except this time we will be just over half an AU (.56 to be exact) away from ELE. If this thing was the cause of earthquakes at 6 AU's away, what will it do to us when it's that close? Below is a quick youtube video which illustrates these alignments beautifully (thank you dccarino for showing me this). Watch the video in its entirety then read the final blog on ELENIN which will be my take on this.


Blogger Cindy said...

Very interesting indeed...Elenin backwards spells.. :)
Thanks for putting so much work into this blog..I will surely share it with my unbelieving friends and family!

September 21, 2011 at 4:37 AM  
Blogger Frog Blogger said...

You are quite welcome Cindy. With everything going on right now and as close as we just might be to "the End" I felt led to share some of my observations.

September 21, 2011 at 12:04 PM  

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